It can feel counterintuitive that too much involvement is actually a negative thing. Keep reading for three ways helicopter parents may accidentally harm their child’s schooling experience.

1. Feeling Unaccomplished

Children who are given unattainable expectations by parents with an eagle eye over their achievements will often feel worse off than those with supportive families, despite the same results. Feelings of relentless disappointment may push them away from the schooling environment.

2. Dependence on Others

If parents are too involved in their child’s education, they may fail to develop independence in a healthy way. The impacts of this can continue into later life as your child grows up to need an external influence for decision making, stunting their emotional growth.

3. Negative Involvement

Too great a push towards success can make a child feel like nothing they do is good enough. Similarly, excessive worrying about school and grades will teach your child that education is something to fear.

That’s why ‘helicopter parenting’ can be toxic for a young person’s learning experience, despite parents’ intentions.