Headquater Staff
Rabbi Vogel
Executive Director
“Rabbi Vogel is very proud to be part of the excellent work BeAbove does for children and families”
Rabbi Vogel has been with BeAbove since the organization first began; over 20 years ago. Under Rabbi Vogel’s leadership the organization has grown exponentially. During Rabbi Vogel’s tenure the organization has increased its capacity from serving 60 children to over 1000 throughout Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. Rabbi Vogel is always exploring better ways /different means to better serve the children and families of this great city (NYC). Based on the Rabbi Vogel’s commitment to the children of New York; BeAbove operates as a Child Care Consortium, serving Early Head, Head Start, and Early Learn children.
In his capacity as Executive Director, Rabbi wears many “hats.” He is able to do this based on his over 30 years of experience in the educational system. While toiling in the education system, Rabbi Vogel has been a researcher, a teacher, consultant, and acting director. He brings his vast skill set to the everyday operation of BeAbove and is able to lead his team in new endeavors and exciting as they arise.
Rabbi Vogel has a strong fiscal background and believes that systems are imperative to a successful operation. Holding these as cornerstones, along with his analytical skills, and leadership, Rabbi Vogel will continue to build the foundation and capacity of BeAbove Worldwide Institute.

Associate Director – HS, EHS, Family Services, ERSEA, Health
Diane comes from a ten-year background working on Wall Street and has worked for BeAbove since 2006. Starting out as a Family Worker, Diane was immediately able to connect with the needs of families thanks to her ten years of experience teaching Sunday school. She helped BeAbove parents and guardians in establishing and attaining individual goals that would support their children’s academic development. From Family Worker, Diane moved on to become an Assistant Director of Family Services, where she ensured that all Family Workers could provide each family with the same high-quality support and attention that has become the staple of BeAbove.
In 2011, Diane became the Associate Director of Family Services, ERSEA, and Early Head Start, and in 2013, she additionally became Associate Director of Head Start. These new responsibilities allowed her to utilize and strengthen the skills developed in her previous roles. As the Associate Director, Diane has been able to maintain meticulous records, collaborate with teams, and train staff. Her attention to detail during her record keeping at both Saint Luke’s Forest Hills Church and as the treasurer of the Parents Association at P.S. 99 enabled both institutions to maintain accurate and up-to-date records. In 2015, Diane obtained her Family Development Credentialing for Supervisors. Coupled with her 20+ years of experience with systems and business management across private, public, and secular institutions, Diane has developed a comprehensive understanding and keen supervision of compliance and agency planning, which fully supports the continued growth and expansion of family-based service agencies like BeAbove.

Malikka D. Karteron
Associate Director – Policy, Education, Government and External Affairs
Malikka D. Karteron is currently the Associate Director for Policy, Education, Government and External Affairs at BeAbove Worldwide Institute. As the Associate Director, Malikka oversees 13 sites and Directors, develops and institutes programmatic plans & policies, generates departmental outcomes & agency wide statistical reports, and reviews the community assessment to better serve the children and families. In this capacity, she is also responsible for program/project development, facilitation, and implementation.
Prior to joining BeAbove, Malikka D. Karteron was a graduate fellow for the Center for Environmental Analysis – Center for Research Excellencein Science & Technology (CEA-CREST)at California State University (Cal State LA), Los Angeles.CEA-CREST is a multidisciplinary center that investigates society’s environmental problems. During her tenure at the Center, she researched the distribution of Toxic Release Inventory (TRIs) sites in Los Angeles County and conducted a statistical analysis of their distribution. Based on her findings, she produced maps using GIS (Geographical Information Software). Malikka received her Advanced Masters in Educational Leadership at Brooklyn College. She also completed the Executive Non-Profit Leadership Program at Fordham University. In May 2021, Malikka Completed the Global Executive OneMBA program at Miami Herbert Business School. This earning her Executive Masters In Business (EMBA).
Malikka completed her undergraduate studies at Hampton University, where she majored in Marine and Environmental Science. While at Hampton, she participated in the MINORITIES AT SEA TOGETHER (MAST) Study; under the auspices of the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). MAST isa multidisciplinary program developed to conduct research on the Chesapeake Bay. Malikka’s background in science and education helps her create programs to prepare children for their future academic careers. She understands that the key to their success is developing their analytical skills at an early age.
Sunday, March 22, 2015, Malikka had the auspicious opportunity to present at the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA), 7th Annual Earth Day Celebration. Malikka’s presentation focused on how to build a Sustainable Society Nationwide and Globally.
Malikka was selected as one of the Paris 2016 J Reve Global International Educational Scholars. This opportunity allowed Malikka to partake in the facilitation of expanding the knowledge base of STEAM (Science, Technology, Art, and Math) on a global level. The various meetings, forums, and “round table” discussions (UNESCO, Fulbright, Columbia Global Centers – Paris) were extraordinarily insightful and truly illustrated the magnitude and importance of STEAM implementation on the global level.
“Education and exposure play a vital role in an individual’s trajectory; so children must be exposed to STEAM as early as possible and realize that having a career in the STEAM arena is something that is tangible. It is also vital, that all governments allocate enough capital to ensure that STEAM stays at the “fore front” of all Global communities’ agendas. We have to continue to engage all children and adults alike in the role STEAM plays in the future of the global economy / world’s existence.”
– Malikka D. Karteron

Tzippy Israel
Agency Wide Education Director BeAbove Worldwide Institute
Tzippy Israel is the Agency Wide Education Director at BeAbove. She has worked at BeAbove for over 15 years, first as a teacher then as Education Director and then as Agency wide Education Director. Tzippy has been in education for more than 22 years. She began teaching in January of 1996. She taught nursery, pre-k and grades 1 to 5 in a variety of private schools for 6 years, then she taught in September 2001 at BeAbove Head Start. In September of 2002 she became the Education Director at BeAbove. After several years BeAbove began expanding and creating partnerships with other preschools. In 2010 Tzippy became the Agency Wide Education Director over the multiple sites and partnerships at BeAbove.
Tzippy is passionate about teaching children. She is also dedicated to working with children and their families to ensure that they have a high-quality individualized education. She enjoys working with the Education Directors in supporting them in their day-to-day endeavors.
Tzippy received her Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis on Education from Touro College in June 2001. Tzippy received her Master of Science in Special Education from Adelphi University in August 2002. Tzippy is NY State Certified in Education N – 6, she has NY State Certification in Early Childhood birth – 2, and Special Education K -12. Tzippy enrolled in the CUNY Children’s Program Administrator Credential in Fall of 2013 and received 18 credits in Educational Leadership.
Tzippy oversees and supports the 13 Education Directors at BeAbove’s 13 sites. She meets with the Education Directors, visits the sites, monitors, provides training and technical assistance. Her job is to support the Education Directors so that the children and families get high quality individualized instruction, warm and caring environment and have all their needs met. She provides ongoing comprehensive supports so that the programs are high quality. She strives to be better and do more for the staff, families, and children.

Hannah Markowitz
Director of the Disabilities Department
With over 20 years of experience in the field, Hannah Markowitz is the go-to person for all your disability questions. Having graduated with a Master’s in Special Education, Hannah has worn many hats throughout her prosperous career; from teacher to family assistant, to assistant director of social services before finally building her home as the Director of the Disabilities department in the entire BeAbove network. Hannah believes that all children deserve the opportunity to receive a quality and equal education, regardless of any physical or academic disability that they may possess and routinely goes above and beyond to ensure that parents are supported through their child’s evaluations in their own native language, receive a proper explanation of the referral and IEP process, and ultimately become advocates for their child.
When not negotiating with district administrators to get quality services for all students with disabilities, Hannah enjoys traveling to Israel with her husband to visit her children and grandchildren.